

"Welcome Marisolr Math Analysis Blog"

About Me

I am female that is a senior in high school. I work at a clothing store called TJ Maxx, and also have my license. My favorite time of the year is Summer, because it is break from school. It is also the time to hang out with friends and travel somewhere. I alos like summer because i get to join or experiance new things. One of my interests are working out. I like to work out with my friend Susie. We wake up 6 in the morning to run the mile or work out. Another interest is I like to spend time with my dog, Dolce. Dolce is a maltese poodle. I am currantly on my last year of High School, and wishing for the best year. My favorite subject in school is math,but not so sure for this year.The thing I like about school is the fun activities they create for all classes. For example dances, clubs, and games duri8ng lunch.I am planning to apply for Cal States, and pass my classes.

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