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Monday, September 30, 2013

SV#1: Unit F Concept 10 - Finding all real and imaginary zeroes of a polynomial

In this video I am verbally explaining how I got my answer. This is a concept 10 question, it is about finding zeroes and the real factors of the question. There are three main steps that need to be done to get the answer that you need. The three steps are finding the PQ'S, finding the repeats of signs, and find the y value.

First of all, you will define all the PQ's  because those are your numbers that will be used in the synthetic division. After you find the PQ's you will multiply them. They could be whole numbers or fractions. Next, find the switches for f(x) and f(-x). That will tell you how many positive or negatives there are. Lastly is doing synthetic division. That will give you the answer, always factor if you can.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

SP#2: Unit E Concept 7 - Graphing a polynomial and identifying all key parts

Graphing Polynomials is a way to find how the center of the graph will look like. My graph is not accurate because it does not include the extrema. This only shows you where and how many curves or bounces it has.

Finding the zeroes is finding the curves of the center of the graph. The degree represents how many zeroes you should have. Also you will have to find the end behavior. The is knowing the degree and leading coefficient. This will tell you if its up hill down hill or other type of graphs.

Monday, September 9, 2013

SP#1: Unit E Concept 1 - Graphing a quadratic and identifying all key parts

This image is on my Standard form equations. I am solving for many multiply answers to graph it. I get the parent function, vertex, y-intercept, axis, and two points. That way I can show it on a graphing grid.

The problem is about get a standard problem and solving it and graphing it to get the parent function equation. One of the things you need to focus on is solving it after you find all the important points. Foe example the vertex and y-intercept. Also how to graph it and graphing it correctly. You need to know ahead of it is a minimum or maximum.

WPP#3: Unit E Concept 2 - Path of Football (or other object)

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